General Rules and Regulations
1. Each student-athlete must have a physical before the first day of practice. The physical must be dated after June 1 and turned into the Health Office and a copy given to the coach. If the student-athlete has no physical, she may not tryout or participate in any way.
2. To be eligible to participate in athletics, each student-athlete must maintain a passing grade. If a player receives a Progress Report at any time during the quarter that she is failing, the student-athlete is suspended from practice and games until the grade is brought up to passing. Any student-athlete who receives an F on a Report Card is suspended for the remainder of the season.
3. Each player will attend and be on time for all games and practices unless the coach is notified and gives his/her permission. There must be sufficient cause for a student-athlete to be excused. (Proms, vacation, Big/Little Sister Day, doctor appointment, etc. are NOT excuses.) General rule: miss a game or practice….you will sit the next game.
4. No basketball student-athlete will be allowed to ski during the season, from the day after Thanksgiving through the last game of the season.
5. Each student-athlete is encouraged to attend all levels of every game, meet, or match in her particular sport. All student-athletes must attend all games after the regular season is completed (County and State Tournament games, meets, and matches.
6. Each student-athlete will obey the Code of Conduct at all times. She must portray good sportsmanship and a positive attitude toward her coaches as all as to other teams, officials, and teammates.
7. If a student-athlete has been invited to attend a Prom, holiday dance, semi-formal, or any other dance, or Holy Angels function, the student-athlete will attend the game, meet, or match, or practice first and then the function.
8. No student-athlete will receive a JV or Varsity letter or be nominated for All League or All County team status if she has become ineligible and has not returned to eligible status before the end of the season, portrays poor sportsmanship, exhibits negative attitude, continually breaks the rules of her sport.
9. Each student-athlete will have a 10:30pm curfew the night before all games, meets, and matches. If a social engagement in involved (i.e. Prom), the student-athlete is to be home immediately following the function.
10. If a student-athlete misses the bus to an away event, she may NOT drive to the game. Permission to drive must be obtained 24 hours prior to the event in the form of a letter from the student-athlete’s parents to the Administration. The approved note will be given to the Athletic Director. Busses leave for all game in the afternoon at 2:30 unless otherwise noted and for all night games at 4:00 unless otherwise noted.
11. No student-athlete will be able to go away during the season. (i.e. Labor Day weekend, Columbus Day weekend, Christmas break, February break, Easter break, Memorial Day weekend, etc.) Failure to comply with this rule will result in removal from the team.
12. Each student-athlete is required be present in her particular sport until after the State finals. This includes SENIORS ON SPRING SPORTS. Failure to comply with this rule will result in removal from the team.
13. Student-athletes who receive instruction from a professional in their sport are to see the pro on their own time, not during practice. Lateness or leaving early because of a private lesson will not be tolerated.
14. All game uniforms will be on and properly worn to and during warm-ups. At away games, when the team exits from the bus, all players will be properly attired. A student-athlete will not remove her game uniform until the game, meet, or match is finished.
15. All student-athletes must abide by the rules in the Handbook
16. If a student-athlete is involved in a Rules Violation:
First Offense – suspension for next game, meet, or match
Second Offense – suspension for two games, meets, or matches
Third Offense – removal from team
I will abide by all the above rules and regulations.