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April 06, 2020

AHA Blog: Facing COVID-19 Together


At a time when COVID-19 has increased the complexities of life throughout the world, the leaders from the Academy of the Holy Angels remain ready to teach, learn, and reach out to those within the AHA community and beyond.


“As a community, we are here for each other during good times and more challenging times,” says AHA Social Worker Sister Mary Foley, SSND, LCSW. She points out that there are simple things everyone can do to keep mind, body, and spirit in balance.


“Get outside and enjoy fresh air, even on gray days,” S. Mary says. “While you are out, listen to the quiet, the songs and chirping of birds, or even the honking of geese. Try to keep on a schedule, get enough sleep, and eat healthy food. Use mindfulness and guided meditation to gain inner peace.


“Most of all, practice gratitude. Every day, either at the beginning or end of the day, let yourself become aware of some gift of that day. Acknowledging gratefulness fills our hearts with love and who knows how far that love will extend to heal our suffering world.”


As distance learning and social distancing continue, S. Mary suggests the following resources for parents and students:


Supporting Families During COVID – 19
How Mindfulness can Help During COVID – 19
Resources to Maintain Wellbeing and Balance in COVID-19 times
Free Mental Health – New York 

“I’ve been working by email and phone with students as the need arises,” she adds. “Some girls were in specific situations before we started online (distance) learning and I have needed to keep up with them.”
AHA’s Power Back program is also continuing.
“The woman who comes to school has arranged through email to ‘meet’ with the group during community time (AHA’s morning flex period, which is running in real time during distance learning). We have a large group of seniors who have been faithful participants over the years.”


Power Back helps teens gain awareness of what is healthy dating behavior. The program covers common abuses teens can experience, such as emotional, verbal, financial, sexual, or physical abuse. Students learn to recognize subtle ways they can be emotionally and verbally abused.


“It seems as if these days are helping us realize how mutually interdependent we all are, especially concerning online learning,” S. Mary adds. “Faculty are helping each other with technology issues and students are helping each other and their teachers to master new learning. The Holy Angels community is living out by our daily actions that “Love is the bond that unites us.”
