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Middle School Athletics

Welcome to the Academy of the Holy Angels middle school athletics program! Our amazing coaches are dedicated to helping each student reach their full potential, practice excellent sportsmanship, and build confidence both on and off the playing field. No prior sports experience is required – we proudly welcome all athletes and teach them the skills needed to succeed. Find out more about our programs below.



Middle School Volleyball (Fall)


Middle school volleyball is part of the CYO Athletic League run by the Diocese of Newark. Each season, the teams play 10-12 games against other Catholic schools and parishes. No prior volleyball experience is needed to join, as the program teaches skills to athletes at all levels. Additionally, we offer a Volleyball Clinic which focuses on teaching basic volleyball skills and game awareness.





Bowling Clinic (Fall)


Led by the Upper School’s Varsity Coach, the Middle School Bowling clinic takes place during the Fall for five weeks from the end of September to the end of October and is beginner focused. We discuss the four step approach, how to release the bowling ball in order to get a hook, and the concept of spare shooting.


Middle School Basketball (Winter)


Our middle school basketball team participates in the Diocese of Newark’s CYO Athletic League, playing around 10 games against other Catholic schools and parishes. Like our other programs, no prior experience required as skills are taught to all athletes.



Outdoor Track


Running Club (Spring)


The running club is focused on teaching good running habits, including stretching and strength building.




Softball Clinic (Spring)


Led by our middle school Health/PE teacher, the Middle School Softball Clinic meets once each week over a set duration in the spring. Our coach covers very beginner level fundamental skills such as: throwing, catching, how to swing the bat, and running bases.



Tennis Clinic (Spring)


Led by the Upper School’s Varsity Coach, the Middle School Tennis Clinic aims to encourage fun exercise and teamwork, introduce the game of tennis, introduce all strokes used in a game, teach game scoring, instill a love of the game to be played with family, and friends over a lifetime. The clinic takes place in the Spring and is held weekly over the course of 6-7 weeks

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Learn more about our athletics programs and find out how to begin the Academy of the Holy Angels enrollment process.



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