February 13, 2023
AHA Blog: Library Website Gets Marvelous Makeover
Posted by the AHA Communications Department, February 2023
Librarians Catherine Korvin and Anina Rossen encourage the Holy Angels community to visit and explore the Academy’s completely refreshed library website.
“We are thrilled to announce the launch of the revamped digital library website,” Mrs. Korvin said. “We needed to migrate to a new software since Classics Google Sites retired at the end of January 2023. It was an opportunity to focus on making our website more convenient to use and locate digitized resources by our users: students, faculty, and staff. It is accessible via Blackbaud.”
Mrs. Rossen added, “Please come see us with any questions, suggestions, and comments. We welcome and value your feedback. We are available for demonstrations.”
The site is a 24/7 gateway that is available to members of the AHA community, whether they are on campus or off site. Resources currently include:
- Electronic research databases that cover the various disciplines in the AHA curriculum
- Databases specifically for AHA Middle School students
- AHA’s collections of e-books and e-book resources
- Selected e-Newspapers and e-Magazines Class Guides developed in collaboration with teachers on topics that include cyberbullying, bioethics, and more. Faculty members are encouraged to suggest additional Class Guides that would be useful to students.
- Book recommendations
- An MLA Citation Guide and Copyright Guidelines
- Selected online dictionaries, including the Oxford English Dictionary
- The online catalog of books available in the AHA Learning Commons Information literacy materials
- A literary criticism guide
- Subject specific research guides
“We strive to update the contents of the library website on a regular basis, including up-to-date resources and the most current information on each topic,” Mrs. Korvin noted. “We hope you enjoy our fresh new look, and we encourage you to explore the site and contact us with any questions or suggestions you may have. Your professional librarians are available to guide you in your research process and in any other information needs.”
AHA’s savvy librarians keep the school community informed by providing up-to-the-minute teaching resources and information concerning topics such as artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT and other bots.